Thursday, December 24, 2009

When the majority of people pulled back in fear david tepper invested and made 7 billion this year!

Fund Boss Made $7 Billion in the Panic!


Check out this article!

Remember that real leaders today face the music all the time, even when they do not like the tune.

To your wealth!

Leo Stroobants

Wealth Acceleration Coach

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Choose your Role Models well; Arnold Swarzenegger Part III

Role models are people you can look up to for ideas, encouragement and support. They are the people that have values that you aspire to have and appreciate.

Aristotle's idea of virtue ethics relies substantially on the effects role models have on people. Aristotle believes that we learn to be moral (virtuous) by modeling the behavior of moral people. Through continual modeling we become virtuous out of habit. Of course, people can learn both good and bad habits depending on the role models they have. Aristotle believed that it was the moral duty of every citizen to act as a good role model. This was especially true for people who were most likely to be in the public eye, since these people had so many eyes on them. Who are the role models in contemporary society? When asked, many celebrities (sports figures, actors, musicians) state that they don't want to be role models. Aristotle would argue that this is not a choice a person can make. Since these people are so prominent in our society they are role models and should take this responsibility seriously.

Today let's examine our role model Arnold Swarzenegger in Part III;

Make rapid relentless progress!
Arnold grew, and grew, and grew! Within 2 or 3 years he was massive. He was achieving his goal. He had to overcome lots of resistance and challenges both inwardly and outwardly, but as he said: "I wanted that body and I didn't care what I had to go through to get it."

At 18, he was drafted into the army to do his National Service. Fittingly, he joined the tank corp!The Junior Mr Europe bodybuilding competition was soon to be held in Germany and Arnold was determined to compete despite being denied leave of absence by his C.O. He decided he must compete and he went AWOL! Sometimes in the pursuit of your goals, you must risk all.
Fortunately, Arnold's massive biceps won him 1st Prize and he returned to his barracks with trophy in hand. A week in solitary confinement was his punishment, but as word spread of his accomplishment, he was soon being feted as an example of Austrian heroism by his commanding officers.
He soon went on to win Mr Universe in London. From there his dream was taking him to America.

Reality check, please!
Arnold is often described as a very reality-focussed individual. He is not particularly concerned with "contemplating his navel"! He is not someone who wrestles with anxiety or inner "issues"!

Being honest is one of the most valuable qualities anyone can have. On arrival in America, Arnold was immediately in competition with the world's top bodybuilders. He came 2nd - a terrible blow to his image of himself as the best. But he took it on the chin and coolly assessed his weaknesses and devised a plan to overcome them.
"I was always honest about my weak points, this helped me grow. I think it's the key to success in everything: be honest; know where you are weak: admit it."
In the pursuit of your goals, you must be prepared to make course adjustments. This requires honesty and the ability to see things as they are, not as you wish them to be. When you see something as it is, you are in a more powerful position to change it.
"When I see that I have certain backward attitudes, I reason them out and work to make my outlook more realistic."
Being outwardly-focussed also enables you to be more aware of opportunity. Arnold is a legendary prankster, who is quick to take advantage of unwitting minds. He uses this "what's-really-going-on-radar" to psychologically outmanouvre his competitors, and ensure that he achieves his goal.
This sharp ability to observe is a powerful tool for critical thinking and assessing others. Arnold would look closely at what successful people do and at what unsuccessful people do. This enabled him to discern the behavior patterns to avoid and the behaviors to focus on. This enabled him to forge ahead where others languished on a plateau (or in a rut).
"Most of the people I observed couldn't make astonishing advances because they never had faith in themselves. They had a hazy picture of what they wanted to look like someday, but they doubted they could realize it. Ultimately they didn't put out the kind of effort I did because they didn't feel they had a chance to make it. And of course, starting with that premise, they didn't."
The Template of Success!
Bodybuilding is a terrific metaphor for succeeding in life. The Greeks championed the idea of a healthy mind in a healthy body and were the first to establish set exercise routines to develop the physique. By exercising with progressively heavier weights, getting enough rest and eating well, you can build the size and strength of your muscles.

Arnold took the process of success that he got from bodybuilding and applied it to other areas in his life. In bodybuilding, there are big goals such as winning a major competition like the Mr Olympia; there are medium-term goals like reaching an ideal weight of 235 lbs with 6% body fat ratio; and there are hundreds of short-term mini-goals like turning up at the gym (!), doing 12 reps of squats with 200lbs or cutting cakes from your diet. There is a deliberate process of discipline in achieving these goals.
When you have any kind of success in your life, lift the template of that success up and apply it to other areas of your life in which you wish to succeed. If you have any experience of success, you can take that experience and replicate it elsewhere. And everyone has experienced success in their lives, even if you have to go back as far as learning to walk or talk or read.
"In two or three years, I had actually been able to change my body entirely. That told me something. If I had been able to change my body that much, I could also, through the same discipline and determination, change anything else I wanted. I could change my habits, my whole outlook on life."
In learning about business, Arnold applied the bodybuilding-template to his studies. He was a millionaire long before he made his name in Hollywood. He applied the bodybuilding template to his acting career and gradually built up the size of the roles he was offered and the "clout" he wielded amongst the studios.

Stay hungry!
Arnold is a genius... As Pele is to soccer, Bruce Lee
to kung fu, Elvis Presley to Rock & Roll, Arnold Schwarzenegger is to bodybuilding. While todays bodybuilders are even more massive and muscularly defined, none can yet surpass Arnold as the archetypal muscle man. He has set and achieved his goals with the unerring, unstoppable force and dedication that he exemplified playing the robot from the future, The Terminator.
Arnold lives life in the large lane! 
"The meaning of life is not simply to exist, to survive, but to move ahead, to go up, to achieve, to conquer," he says.
His motivating motto is "Stay Hungry!" That means don't get too comfortable. Success can deaden the senses and make you superstitious and think you have to do the same things over and over. Not so! You are alive and creative, and there are always new ideas and new levels of success to be gained.
You are a muscular minded genius! Put your thinking muscle to good use and trail blaze a path of glory!

Follow the footsteps of great individuals, it's that simple!

To your success! 
Leo Stroobants
Wealth Acceleration Coach

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Choose your Role Models well; Arnold Swarzenegger Part II

True role models are those who possess the qualities that we would like to have and those who have affected us in a way that makes us want to be better people. To advocate for ourselves and our goals and take leadership on the issues that we believe in. We often don't recognize our true role models until we have noticed our own personal growth and progress . . .


Here we go with Part II of Arnold Scharzenegger;

Fine-tune your blueprint!
Attack your goal from every angle. The clearer you can visualize the goal in your mind, the quicker you will achieve it. See it as though it is already real. Imagine that you have achieved it. What would you see? What would you hear? How would you be feeling? Use all your senses to make it as real and as exciting as possible. If you don't feel deliriously happy contemplating this goal, then maybe you should ask yourself why you are doing it, really? Either find more compelling reasons why you want to do this, or change the goal.

"I had this fixed idea of growing a body like Reg Park's. The model was there in my mind; I only had to grow enough to fill it. My dreams went beyond a spectacular body. Once I had that, I knew what it would do for me. I'd get into the movies. I'd create an empire."
Keep at your goal visualization. Play with it every day like a dog with a bone; keep chewing that sucker until you really get the taste of it. Keep sharpening the details, getting it into crystal focus. Adjust it until it sounds just right. Work it until it feels spot-on! The more real it seems inwardly, the more real it will become outwardly (unless, of course, you are freaking nuts!). Like a cartographer: you are making a map, the details have to be there. Like an architect designing a house, you need to put in everything required to build that dream home.

Stay positive!
Arnold discovered the power of the mind over the body. He noticed how emotional distractions and worry weakened him. Thinking about problems and worries during his training sessions robbed him of the strength he needed to workout.

He also knew what a detrimental affect others can have on your goals, often trying to squash them. Negative people often resist positive people, and they feel uncomfortable around them until either they pull the positive person down to their level or they catch the positivity and change themselves.
"I remember certain people trying to put negative thoughts into my mind, trying to persuade me to slow down. But I had found the thing to which I wanted to devote my total energies and there was no stopping me."
Make sure you develop that kind of thick-skinned positivity! Family members can often be the greatest threat to our dreams. Without alienating them, you can be persistent in your purpose and goal. It is often advisable to keep goals secret, especially in the early stages. Get around those who can help you achieve your goal. Hang out with your mentors. Success breeds success.
Arnold has always known and understood that principle. He always worked with the best people he could find or contact, saying: "Positive thinking can be contagious. Being surrounded by winners helps you develop into a winner."

Challenge your limits
Usually you do about 3-5 sets of an exercise for a particular body part. However the body can become used to this routine and fail to grow as dramatically as you require. Arnold resorted to shock tactics to bomb his muscles and force them to grow.

Each week, he would choose an exercise, and focus an entire workout on that exercise alone. Instead of 5 sets, he might do 55 sets or just keep going until he couldn't do another thing. Frequently, he would train with a like-minded partner and have little competitions to motivate himself to do better. They would challenge each other to do more reps with heavier and heavier weights.
Apply this shock principle to your own goals. Let's say your goal is to become a public speaker on the seminar circuit. But you aren't very good at speaking. Maybe you have given 1 or 2 talks in the last few months.
If you want to get good at talking you are going to have to up the ante. Schedule a talk a day for a month, or three talks a day for a week. Grab your soapbox and go and stand in the city park if you have to. Get out there and talk! The harder it is and the more you do, the quicker you will become comfortable and an accomplished speaker.
Anthony Robbins did this when he started his speaking career; he would be giving talks in the morning to the Business Bureau, talk in the afternoon to the Womens' Circle and then be giving a talk in the evening elsewhere -- and he did that week after week, month after month. The end result being he is one of the most fluent, entertaining, informative and successful speakers in the world.

Keep track of this Blog, PartIII will reveil even more secrets about this fenomenal personality.
Always keep in mind that your life is heading in the direction that you are looking at.
What are you looking at today?
If you don't know, look around in your life today and see what it is that you attracted.
Beware what you are focusing on!
Enjoy your weekend!

Leo Stroobants 
Wealth Acceleration Coach

Friday, December 11, 2009

Choose your Role Models well; Arnold Swarzenegger Part I

Role models can be a powerful force for learning and realizing your potential. They’re not only important for your career, but for achieving fulfillment in everything you do. You ought to have role models in every stage and dynamic of your life. (Check out the 8 Dynamics of Life (r) -Leo Stroobants-)

Researchers have concluded that children who have good role models learn to be motivated self-learners. Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” By introducing children to role models for all aspects of their lives, you are nurturing their imagination.

“Role models are important throughout every stage of your life,” says Mick Quinn, former PM, IT developer, headhunter and most recently author of Power and Grace, the Wisdom of Awakening. “If you’re lucky, there are role models from infancy on.”

PART I; Arnold Swarzenegger 

The Terminator Goal-Setting Strategy
Here's a man, a goliath of a man, who started life in some Austrian backwater and dreamed massive dreams. He was a million miles from the Hollywood he would one day claim as his own. But, as a mere 15 year old, he announced his dream and he went on to achieve it.

"I want to be the best built man in the world. Then I want to go to America and be in movies. I want
to be an actor."

The phenomenal laser-focused way he powered forward to achieve goal after goal is revealed here. Use the goal setting secrets of this unstoppable "muscle bound monster", and you too can make mighty strides forward.

Click with your passion!
We are traveling back in time, to a sleepy Alpine village called Graz. Here Arnold Schwarzenegger sculpted his future as unerringly as he went about sculpting his body. 

He's 15 years old and his soccer team are visiting a gym. Arnold looks around at the powerful muscular bodies of the men working out there and something clicks deep inside him. He suddenly realizes at a deep inner level that this is what he wants to do. He wants to feel strong and powerful like a mighty warrior or a fearsome beast. His mind lights up with a passion to do this.
"I knew I was going to be a bodybuilder.
It wasn't simply that either. I would be the best bodybuilder in the world, the greatest,
the best-built man."

Have you clicked with what you want to do and achieve?

Dream BIG!
Is your dream big enough to excite you and stir you to action? Have you put your ego into it? Can you go a little wild and really stretch the bounds of what you think is possible for you? You have to think BIG, like Arnold, who literally "dreamed about being gigantic".
Soak up your subject!
Arnold began to work-out with unwavering determination and enthusiasm. He asked questions of the older bodybuilders in the gym. He subscribed to magazines. He found out more and more about bodybuilding and applied it to his training. He made rapid progress because he worked so hard.

"I wanted more, I demanded
more of myself."

Whatever your goal is, are you building up your knowledge base? Are you letting your obsession with it grow and grow so that you seek out and continuously find new references and knowledge that relate to and support the achievement of your goal? Are you giving it your all? When you focus on something and want it, your RAS (random activating system) in your mind becomes hyper sensitive to anything and everything that relates to your interest.

Find someone you can emulate!
Working out with weights is hard and sometimes relentless as you have to keep doing it day after day, week after week. You need inspiration to keep you going when it gets tough. Arnold had his methods.

"I kept my batteries charged with the adventure movies of Steve Reeves, Mark Forrest, Brad Harris, Gordon Mitchell and Reg Park."
Seeing these heroic figures on the screen fueled his desire to be like them. He soon fixated on Reg Park, a massive man whose Herculean physique represented the ideal for Arnold. He had found a role model
From that point on, his life was "utterly dominated by Reg Park. His image was my ideal. It was fixed indelibly in my mind." 
Arnold found out everything he could about Reg Park, buying all the magazines that published Park's training programs. He learned what he ate, how he lived, and how he did his workouts. This obsession fueled his work-outs and he used his role model like a blueprint. If he did exactly what Reg Park did, he would get the same results.

"The more I focused in on this image and worked and grew, the more I saw it was real and possible for me to be like him."
Who is your mentor or role model? Who has already achieved the goal that you have set yourself? Who can you imitate? Whose mime can you catch? Find someone in your field of interest who has been successful and that you greatly admire and want to emulate; study them; find out all you can about them: live them; breathe them. There are heroes is every field of human endeavor.

I had the pleasure of meeting him once and his impression and charisma never left me.
Whenever my workout routine is in a dip, I just watch Arnold in action and I got inspired again.
This is part one of this blog about this great role-model.

Keep reading, Part II will follow soon,...

To your success!
Leo Stroobants
The Energy Evangelist

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Effortless Abundance

Gratitude & Concentration = Effortless Abundance 


Start with buying a very cheap notepad, it might just be a tremendous investment. Start writing down EVERY SINGLE DAY all the things that your are grateful and thankful for.

Then you make a list of all the things that you would like, all of your WANTS! Now start changing that list into HAVES!

As your subconscious mind associates "thank you" for recieving or HAVING something, you can now combine the two to create abundance effortlessly.

As you continue to write down what you are thankful for, you are telling your subconscious that you ARE already abundant and since like attract like, more of that thing (success, abundance, love, happiness, etc) will come into your life. 

Read carefully what I'm about to share with you next!

Pay it forward, meaning; Start being thankful for all things you want -but you do not have yet- in ADVANCE! With the full knowledge that by telling your subconscious mind "thank you" as if you already have it, it will quickly come into your outer reality.

Get it? Got it? Now, DO IT and attract Effortless Abundance!

To your wealth!

Leo Stroobants

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

10 Pointers to make more MONEY!

First of all, having the ability to make more money is far more important than having money. So, let's investigate how to increase your ability to make money.

Money on itself has no value. It is a note that represents a trading value.
Steve Pavlina ones described money as such; "The money you earn is society’s way of saying: “In exchange for your valued contribution, you are hereby granted the right to extract equivalent value from society at a time of your choosing.”

So we can conclude that the amount of money that you earn is proportional to the amount of value you are able to contribute to society!
How can you make more money than? By contributing more value to society!
So, is the one who determines the value of your contribution the society, and not you?
Let's listen to what Steve Pavlina says;
"Your income depends on the social value of your work, not the personal value. Personal value is whatever you say it is. Social value, however, is determined by social consensus."

That way the key principle becomes; To make more money, you need to contribute more social value!

Here are some pointers to increase your ability to make more money by contributing more social value;

1. Recognize your personal strenghts and values;
First of all, you should identify your personal values and strenghts. What are you naturally good at? Working on your strengths will give you much more in return than working on your weaknesses.
So it’s essential that you identify your strengths.

2. Do your deliberate practice
Improve your skills. You can do this by deliberate practice. Here is the best definition I could find;
Deliberate practice refers to a form of training that consists of focused, grueling, repetitive practice in which the subject continuously monitors his or her performance, and subsequently corrects, experiments, and reacts to immediate and constant feedback, with the aim of steady and consistent improvement.
It is generally accepted that this form of training calls for approximately 10,000 hours of concentrated effort if one is to achieve the optimum level of expertise.
Take at least 1 to 2 hours a day for your deliberate practice. It's like a basketball player that adds an hour a day to his normal routine in order to practice the most difficult shots. His goal is to reach a world class level. You can do the same!
Define your best skills and find your niche!

3. Fill up your toolbox
Aside from the skills you choose for your deliberate practice, you need to have other skills in your toolbox. These extra skills complement your main skills and help you provide something unique. You don’t have to be very good at them, but you should be good enough.
Write down a list of 4 to 5 extra skills, and invest some time to master them.

4. Find you unique value
Everyone of us is unique and we all have our own unique set of values. We place them in an order of importance and live by that hierarchy.What value can you contribute to the world that others can’t? Answering this question isn’t easy but it will help you differentiate yourself.
Your action signal than becomes; Take the time to find your unique values. (When was NOW a good time to start doing so?)

5. Become a Master Connector
Expand and work your network. It is not always important WHAT you know, but WHO you know! Your network is essential in your quest for riches.
First of all because it helps you find demand. It will help you connect with those people you need to fill your voids. Working on your network will eventually start offering more opportunities and it will help you find the supply that you were looking for! You will be able to find the right person (or persons) whose skills complement yours.
The best way to enlarge your network is to help them help you! Pay it forward and start helping the people in your network. Pretty soon they will do the same for you!
Get on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and get connected!

6. What is your personal brand?
After finding your unique value proposition, you need to get the message out to your target audience. If people don’t know you then they won’t come for you! For that reason, you need to build your personal brand. By building your personal brand, people know what they can expect from you so they will come to you when they need it.
Get your own website, start your own Blog, write down a one-liner about yourself and get started!

7. Set your radar on recognizing opportunities
Most of us run around blindfolded. Opportunities are not knocking on your door, they are literally tearing your door down! Become a "Lucky Luke" and start attracting those golden egg opportunities. Opportunities often come in unexpected ways. You need to open your eyes and see what is around you.
"Unlucky people miss chance opportunities because they’re too busy looking for something else. Lucky people see what is there rather than just what they’re looking for."

Lucky and rich people keeps their eyes and ears open for things that other people do not see.
Like my friend Moise keeps telling me; Watch the trends! On the other side you can observe how people do things and what kinds of particular problems they have. (Like everybody wants to get out this "crisis" and wants to make money?)
Be hungry for ideas and surround yourself with creativity!

8. Always keep one eye on the end consumer
You must become a customer-oriented solution provider! Always, always (did I already said always?) keep customer satisfaction in the back of your mind. For every need you can find a bunch of links towards all your skills, unique skills and extra skills who are inside your toolbox. Create solutions for those needs!
Your solution should be customer-oriented and satisfy the customer. If the customer is satisfied, she may spread the word about you.

9. Don't start form scratch
One of the best ways to provide more value is by building on the value you already provide. This is a smarter approach than starting from scratch because you can already leverage what you have. Think in questions like; What extensions can I add, What extra services can I surplus, What untapped opportunities did I miss, What other clients can I reach for, What associations can I make, What alterations can I make, What can I add?
It might take some more time, but I definitely recognized that a step-by-step approach is must better than the fast-track methods.

10. Always keep your other one eye on your goal

Don't get side-tracked. Ones you determined what it is that you exactly want to create, what kind of business you want to endeavor and how much money you want to make, stick to it and go for it. Don't forget to write out all your emotional drives as to why you want to make all that money and make sure that your goals are worthwhile and fulfilling. And never forget to have fun during the entire process. Instead of trying to achieve your goals in order to have fun, try to happily achieve those goals!

Get geared up and get moving!
For more insights and usefull tips, stay connected!

Wishing you all the best of luck!
Leo Stroobants

Thursday, October 22, 2009

10 Steps to Increased Wealth in your Business and your Life!

Here are 10 steps that may help you reach a level of increased success in your life today. Walk through them and adapt those steps that may assist you to reach your objectives faster, easier and with more fun.
1. Make decisions; When people ask me in my seminars 'how' to learn to take decisions, I reply them that it is actually very easy,...Just take them! Workout your decision making muscles, just the same as you work out any other muscle in your body! Train them every single day. How do you grow to be 'experienced'? by taking lots and lots of decisions. First you will make mistakes, take the 'wrong' ones. But finally you will start making more 'good' decision that bad ones. The moment you reach that level, people will start calling you 'experienced'!
2. Time Blocking; You need to create a schedule for all your daily, weekly and monthly activities. Time frame them and keep yourself to it. It will help you go through your agenda smoother and it will provide you with more feeling of fulfillment.
3. Keep the value of your invested time; Time is one of your most important assets and should be treated in that manner. The secret is trading less time for more money! This focus will increase your value and thus your overall productivity.
4. Invest your time in high pay off activities; This may sound weird to some, but when in business some activities are essential and will produce the most return towards the invested time. I'm talking about lobbying, prospecting, lead follow up, appointments, negotiating contacts, coaching your staff and planning your business. It doesn't serve anybody when you just work 'hard' and invest 'lots of 'hours' when the things you are doing are not of a high return.
5. Develop your own business philosophy; With this I mean that you should set your own guidelines for doing the business you are doing. Write it out fully, create a masterpiece and follow it diligently. This might just become the 'fil rouge' of your business.
6. Understand your business fully ; Enhance your specialized knowledge, know and 'own' all that has to do with the business you are in. You need to become a renown specialist in the things that you are doing. You need to know and out-think your competition and always stay one step ahead.
7. Prospecting, prospecting, prospecting; Most starting entrepreneurs go belly up because they dislike prospecting. Not understanding that this one activity is the lifeblood that keeps your funnel filled. Plan at least 1 hour a day, every day! to do some prospecting. It is necessary, and will become a piece of cake the more you get skilled in it. Not doing it is a ticket for the down-slide. Prospecting is never personal, nor is the rejection you will face. It's a numbers game, and 100% business!
8. Become a potential client qualifier; You should become able to recognize a potential client a mile away. Stop thinking in stereotypical patterns. Imagination will outbeat intelligence all the time! Find at least 1 new way to approach potential clients a day. Turn it into a game, go crazy and have fun. You will be able to spot potential clients in areas you never thought of before!
9. Create strong systems; Once you created a winning strategy, turn it into a sysyem. Then work and alter the system until it works all the time. Onces you created strong systems you are getting your business into a momentum speed. 
10. Streamline, prioritize and delegate; During my seminars, we invest lots of time in these 3 magical words. Your business can only grow to the extend that you can streamline, prioritize and delegate your activities. Stop what you are doing once a month, make a list of all the activities you are doing in a day and analyze how many of them you can streamline, prioritize and delegate to others.

Here you go.
This is just a little extract from my course;
"From Employee to Entrepreneur"
Stay inspired,

Leo Stroobants
The Energy Evangelist

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

10 Prosperity Tips

As we all know living a prosperous life is about much more than just having enough money. In order to be truly prosperous, you need to change your total mind-set from lack to abundance. You need to make a mental and emotional shift and start living your life on a more abundant level - in all 8 Dynamics of life! (Professional-Career/ Financial/ Material-Lifestyle / Emotional /Relational-Family/ Physical-Health / Spiritual / Contribution

Below are some 10 tips for doing that:

Prosperity Tip #1 - Do What You Love

When you spend time doing things you really love, you automatically feel happier and you put in motion an entire set of events. When you feel happier, you emit more positive vibrations, and attract the things you want more quickly and easily! Start spending more time doing the things you really love. Spend more time doing things that give you energy. This can include hobbies as well as transitioning to a more fulfilling career.

Prosperity Tip #2 - Affirm You Always Have More Than Enough

The more you focus on lack, the more lack you will experience in your life. Turn this around by constantly affirming, "I always have more than enough money for everything I need." The more strongly you can come to believe this, the more your physical surroundings will shift to match your expectations. Where attention goes, energy flows. So what you continuously put your attention to, will expand!

Prosperity Tip #3 - Take Action

Before he became Buddha, Siddartha spend his entire time thinking and visualizing the world as he wanted. Until he decided to take action. Action isn't always necessary in order to attract abundance into your life, but it sure doesn't hurt. Don't sit around waiting for your circumstances to change - get out there and change them! Things don't change, people do! Taking even one small step toward what you want can often trigger a flood of opportunities and synchronizations that get everything moving in a more positive direction. At the very least, taking action can boost your confidence and make you feel more in control of your circumstances. Are we human being or human doings? Really?

Prosperity Tip #4 – Gratitude and Appreciation

Start your day with gratitude and it will become one overloaded with gifts. An appreciative mind-set makes everything seem better. Not only do you feel more abundant, your very focus on the positive aspects of your life will naturally attract more things to be grateful for. Pick up the habit of writing in your gratitude journal. Make it a daily habit to appreciate the wonderful things that happen to you - even the small things. The more you do, the more you'll find good stuff flowing into your life as if by magic.

Prosperity Tip #5 - Love, Love, Love

The most important force of all, the emotional drive we all thrive by. Love is one of the most powerful and transformational forces. It can heal the most painful situations, transform lack into abundance, and inspire positive change in both the giver and receiver. Practice flowing feelings of deep love for everyone and everything in your life. Love your blessings, your friends and family, the difficult people you encounter each day, and even your illnesses and obstacles. When you love them, you heal and transform them into genuine blessings.

Prosperity Tip #6 - Boost Your Self-Worth

Your beliefs have everything to do with the things you experience on a daily basis. Only when you feel worthy about yourself, you can recognize the worth in others. If you don't believe you deserve abundance, you will continually push it away! Start improving your self-worth and affirm constantly that you deserve to be happy, healthy, wealthy and full of energy. When someone gives you a gift or compliment, accept it with gratitude! You don't always have to return it, just happily accept it. The more you do this, the more you will open yourself to the blessings the universe wants to send your way too. And believe me, there are many!

Prosperity Tip #7 - Make Room for More

If every nook and cranny of your life is crammed with clutter and disharmony, you've got no ROOM for prosperity to come in! The Universe hates vacuum. Once a year you should trow away (or better yet give away) the clothes you haven't been wearing in the last year. Make space to be filled up again with new goodies, new energy! One of the quickest ways to get abundance flowing more smoothly through your life is to clear a space for it. Get rid of physical clutter and release painful emotional burdens and unresolved issues. Clean up your physical, spiritual, emotional and financial affairs, and watch how easily they are transformed from stagnant to vibrant.

Prosperity Tip #8 - Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life

Besides poor self-worth, you may have other limiting beliefs that keep you from experiencing the prosperity you deserve. For example, do you believe you must work hard to receive a lot of money? Do you believe that rich people are rude and insensitive? Do you believe that having a lot of money would be a burden? Learn to examine and question your beliefs about prosperity - and change the ones that limit you. This is an ongoing process that can change your life in powerful ways.

Prosperity Tip #9 - Fire Up Your Abundance Radar

You've probably heard it said that whatever you focus on expands. Prosperity is no different! Get into the habit of seeking examples of abundance wherever you go. When you're shopping, pause to notice the abundance overflowing from store shelves. Each one of those products began with a simple idea in someone's mind and was created in physical form! Take a trip to your local farmer's market and marvel at the abundance of produce available. Each one of them was started with a tiny seed planted in the ground and nurtured until it grew into a luscious fruit or vegetable. Take time each day to reflect on the abundance you see all around you, and you will attract more of it (in all forms) into your life.

Prosperity Tip #10 - Positively Abundant

Positive thoughts and emotions will automatically attract more positive circumstances into your life, including prosperity! Negative thinking is nothing more than a habit of looking at the less favorable aspects of every situation. But every negative situation has at least ONE positive benefit. The more you can train your mind to look for the blessings and remain open to possibility, the more blessings and possibilities you will see! Start a new positive thinking habit today and watch how it transforms you into a magnet for everything good.

There are many more ways to attract greater prosperity into your life, but these tips offer a simple way to get started.

Life is meant to be lived fully!
Licensed to thrill,
Leo Stroobants
The Energy Evangelist

Monday, April 27, 2009

Powerful Personal Development!

When I say Think and Grow Rich, what comes to your mind?
Almost everyone in sales and those interested in personal development have read this classic by Napoleon Hill at least once. And almost everyone who's read it has a positive comment. Many (like me) will say, "Turning point in my life."
Everyone has a turning point in their quest for lifelong learning. Everyone has their Aha! In your personal development, it's what you choose to listen to, watch or read that enhances your understanding of your life and teaches you what you need to do to succeed.
Napoleon Hill's 1937 quote sets the standard. "Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve."
And once you have the information, it's all about what you are willing to do to take advantage of it.
Most people know Napoleon Hill was the author of Think and Grow Rich. The person Hill emulated and studied was Orison Swett Marden. Not many know that.
Marden was the leading positive-attitude genius of the 20th century. Well-known before 1930-almost unknown today. He was a founding father of personal development and positive thought. Aha!
Author of more than 40 books, Marden also was the founder of SUCCESS magazine. Here are a few of his words of wisdom from the book he wrote in 1908, He Who Thinks He Can.
  • "Every child should be taught to expect success."
  • "The man who has learned the art of seeing things looks with his brain."
  • "The best educated people are those who are always learning, always absorbing knowledge from every possible source and at every opportunity."
  • "People do not realize the immense value of utilizing spare minutes."
  • "No substitute has ever yet been discovered for honesty."
  • "Poverty is of no value except as a vantage ground for a starting point."
These are quotes worth learning and passing on to others. One hundred years old!
Based on my personal experience and personal Ahas!, I'd like to challenge you with the rules of personal development and give you some examples of what I have learned so you might make your own plan to succeed or enhance the one you have.
1.Expose yourself to knowledge.
At the end of a seminar I gave on positive attitude, I received an evaluation from a woman named Mary with a comment that read, "I wish I would have heard this 30 years ago." I got goose bumps of sadness and thought of a Jim Rohn quote: "All the information you need to succeed already exists; the only problem is you're not exposing yourself to it." This information existed 30 years ago. Mary just hadn't exposed herself to it.
Jim Rohn is known as America's leading business philosopher. His CD, The Art of Exceptional Living, is among the modern classics of personal development. Jim Rohn is the current master of inspiration and Aha! He imparts wisdom in every sentence.
Between Marden and Rohn, there is a long list of valuable books. I owe my career success to these books and to personal development information to which I have exposed myself.
Most of the books are more than 50 years old. Many with religious connotations-but still preaching the right words and thoughts. One of the most notable is The Power of Positive Thinking by NormanVincent Peale. Biblical and brilliant.
2. Simple is powerful.
If you read it and it seems too easy or too hokey, reread it. It's probably part of your personal development foundation.
One of my early Aha! moments of personal development was the simplicity of the message. Sometimes it's so simple, you go right past it without understanding the impact it can make.
A classic example is the eternal How to Win Friends and InfluencePeople by Dale Carnegie. In 1936 he wrote, "You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you." How many salespeople could benefi t from that single Aha!? I think all of them.
Interesting to note that Dale Carnegie's lessons still are being taught in the classroom 70 years later!
3. Think and apply to improve.
In As a Man Thinketh, published in 1902, James Allen says, "A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts." Thinking what can be done is at the core of your personal development. About 54 years later, in the million-seller, The Strangest Secret, Earl Nightingale writes, "We become what we think about all day long." Get it?
In 1969, I listened to Glenn W. Turner on a cassette tape: "Act as though you have already begun to achieve. Not fake it-live it."
4. Take a daily dose.
Think about the time-worn expression, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." Apply that to personal development, and it means learn and apply one new thing every day. At the end of a year you will have 365 new pieces of information.
5. The older the better.
If you want a new idea, read a book that's 100 years old. "The best educated people are those who are always learning, always absorbing knowledge from every possible source and at every opportunity." -Marden, 1908. Or, "History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats." -B.C. Forbes, 1919.
6. Personal development and positive attitude are joined at the hip-and at the brain. And there is another component-being of service.
"There is little difference in people, but that little difference makes a big difference. The little difference is attitude. The big difference is whether it is positive or negative." -Clement Stone, 1946. Add that to the 5000-year-old Chinese proverb, "To Serve is to Rule."
7. Do it even as your butt falls off.
In 1898, Elbert Hubbard wrote an essay titled, Message to Garcia. Deliver the message, get the job done, complete the task-no matter what. Many have read that essay. Few have emulated it.
Personal development challenges you to think forward. "Greater than the tread of mighty armies is an idea whose time has come." -Victor Hugo, 1874.
Personal development challenges you to be your best. "You cannot mandate productivity; you must provide the tools to let people become their best." -Steve Jobs, 1988.
"I am the greatest of all time." -Muhammad Ali, 1963.
Personal development challenges you to make decisions based on the person you seek to become. "The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it." -John Ruskin, 1869.
Wondering where you can "find more time" to devote to your own success? "It has been my observation that most people get ahead during the time that others waste." -Henry Ford, 1901. Just a thought.
The key word is not development; the key word is personal. Do it for yourself, in your own way, and make your own time for it-or not.
The biggest Aha! of personal development is from Russell Conwell's Acres of Diamonds. Considered to be one of the finest speeches ever written, Acres of Diamonds offers a multitude of lessons about the rewards of work, education and finding the riches of life in your own back yard-or your own library. Aha!

I borrowed this article from Jeffrey Gitomer, who is the author of The Little Red Book of Selling.
I hope this might inspire you to get going on a new week of opportunities and chances!
Licensed to thrill,
Leo Stroobants
The Energy Evangelist

Thursday, April 23, 2009

6 tips from the superstars

Here are some tips that were send to me a genuine mogul:
Tip 1) "What do other networkers want?" This is the
question you need to ask yourself in order to find out how
to attract them. Give them want they want. Solve their
problems for them. Then you will attract them effortlessly.

Tip 2) Do NOT spend time trying to prove to people why
they should join you! Newbies do this all the time, the pros
never do. Give people real value and you will never have to
pitch your business to anyone ever again.

Tip 3) If you are buying leads, you are lazy. Learn to
generate your own leads, otherwise go get a job.

Tip 4) Every night before you go to bed write down 5
things you need to get done the next day. This way you will
wake up with your goals in mind. And with each task you
accomplish you are a step closer to reaching your ultimate

Tip 5) Confidence is a decision. People judge you by the
way you look and sound, so if necessary, give yourself a
physical and/or mental make-over. In your videos and your
pictures do NOT look like you just rolled out of bed.

Tip 6) Learn copywriting. You'll need to master this skill
in order to write anything in this industry -- even something
so simple as ad copy. You need to know the psychological
triggers that make people respond and take action.

Now get going, crystallize your dreams!
Leo Stroobants

The Energy Evangelist

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Prosper in difficult times,...

This is kind of a lengthy post, but it’s material you need to know.
It doesn’t really matter what party is in the White House, the fact is the government isn’t going to watch out for your best interest. Instead they’ll cater to high priced lobbyists, and their own selfish interests.
The only person who’ll watch out for you is YOU! You’ve got to learn new skills, economic survival skills. Skills which will allow you to continue living at your current level or better.
Remember that we are overfed and showered with bad news and negative vibes, CNN is almost becoming Constant Negative News! It's not about THE economy but all about YOUR economy. Where attention goes, energy flows and results show.

Learn to sell, learn to market and write and barter. Learn manual skills with which you can trade for other goods or services. Start your own small homebased business using the new skills you’ve acquired
Develop something of your own creation, something of which you are the sole provider. Your own product or specialized service which you have built from scratch, honed and perfected.
The following was written by J.F. (Jim) Straw, publisher of the Business Lyceum e-Letter, and should be a wake-up call for all Americans not wishing to be a part of the quickly evolving economic decline of America.
JULY 2008
Greetings & Salutations:
The biggest questions on the minds of Americans today are, “What is going to happen to our economy?” “Will we have a depression?” “How can I survive?”
It has been my opinion for the past 10 years that we are long overdue for a full scale economic depression. But, it will be completely different from the depression predicted by my contemporaries.
We have already seen a stock market crash in 1987 bigger than the one that preceded the depression of the 1930s. – And, we have already had more bank and S&L failures (percentage wise) than back then, too.
The rate of bankruptcies has grown from tens of thousands to hundreds of thousands each year – now, over a million bankruptcies each year - with the biggest percentage of bankruptcies in the higher income brackets.
Employee lay-offs, plant closings, and business failures have increased exponentially over the past 5 years. And, for the first time in our history, the unemployment rate among white-collar executives is higher (percentage wise) than among blue-collar workers.
All of these facts lead me to sincerely believe that …
The Depression of the 1930s was a “Blue Collar” Depression
But …
The Next Depression will be a “White Collar” Depression
Simply because …
Our Economy Has Become Top Heavy
There are simply too many white-collar workers, bureaucrats, and unnecessary people doing unnecessary paper-shuffling busy work. They consume far more than they are capable of producing. – These are the people who will be out of work, on the bread lines, during the next depression … NOT the blue-collar workers.
As an illustration: Before I had money enough to pay someone to sweep the floors, I did it myself (still do; on occasion). – That is the essence of the difference between the White Collar workers of the 1930s and those of today.
Because there were few business schools before the depression of the 1930s, the vast majority of White Collar workers came up through the Blue Collar ranks. Then, when the economy got tough, Blue Collar workers were let-go and the White Collar workers stepped from behind their desks and filled those jobs. After all, they were the most experienced and best qualified to hold those productive jobs.
Today, the vast majority of White Collar workers are schooled in the arts and sciences of business. They have studied management, economics, political science, marketing, production, contract negotiation, and employee supervision. But, they have never done the jobs they manage and supervise.
It is one thing to tell an employee, “this needs to be milled another one-thousandth of an inch,” and quite another to say, “here, let me show you how to mill this to specifications” (and do it).
As the next depression deepens, it will become necessary (as it was in the 1930s) for businesses to “chop heads” to reduce overhead costs. This time, however, it will be White Collar heads that roll because they are the least experienced and the poorest qualified to “produce” the many goods and services required by our society.
Contrary to the allegations made by a Japanese official, the Blue Collar workers in the U.S. are not lazy and ignorant. They are the victims of the emotional rhetoric of the lazy and ignorant “book learned” White Collar segment of our society. When the Blue Collar workers find that their knee-jerk reactions to that emotional rhetoric has been overcome by reality, they will return to producing more than they consume.
Lest you begin to condemn me as a book burner, consider this … a Blue Collar worker, upon entering the White Collar world, will by necessity read books in order to learn about doing the things he/she does not know how to do. On the other hand, a “book learned” White Collar worker will rarely, if ever, go out on the shop floor and learn how to do the jobs being directed. – My point is that “book learning” is an absolute necessity, it has, however, become an end unto itself. Therefore, I do not condemn book learning, I simply consider it to be a “starting place” not an “ending place.”
Blue-collar workers may be laid-off; the plants they work-for may be closed – but – they will find work because they have historically produced more than they have consumed. They will take jobs at lower wages, without many of the now customary benefits, in order to produce the goods and provide the services needed. And, because of the reduced costs to produce those goods and services, the prices will fall proportionately.
Businesses that will survive and prosper during the next depression will be those businesses that eliminate top-heavy management positions (its already happening) and reduce their debt to a minimum (also happening).
Why? – Because, contrary to the economic manipulators in our government …
You Cannot “Borrow” Your Way Out Of Debt
Even if the “prime rate” goes to 2%, blue-collar workers won’t be borrowing. Neither will wise and prudent businesses. The only people vying for those low-interest loans will be the out-of-work white-collar segment of our society – trying to borrow their way out of debt.
Blue-collar workers will – as they have historically – only “borrow” for purchases of major necessities. Instead of spending their hard earned dollars on frills & fancies, they will save their money for that proverbial rainy day.
Beyond that, during the next depression, there will be …
No Major Banking Collapse
Why? – Because the banks in this country have already been frightened into tightening their belts. – Go to your local bank and count the number of empty desks in the area where the junior vice-presidents used to be. – And, with more low-cost blue-collar savings money coming into their hands, they are shoring-up their shaky liquidity and reserves – PLUS – with the relaxation of some of the more outdated banking regulations, the banks are now in a position to put their depositors’ monies in higher yielding equity positions.
Because of that, during the next depression, there will be …
No Stock Market Crash
In 1987 – when the stock market did crash – most of the trading activity was in the hands of individual investors. Today, most of the trading is in the hands of professional traders … managed accounts, mutual funds, institutional investors … with less likelihood of the major sell-offs that cause market crashes.
But, during the next depression, there will be …
Major Insurance Company Failures
>From the F.D.I.C., on down, you can expect Insurance Company after Insurance Company to fail.
Why? – Because the biggest buyers of insurance are the white-collar segments of our society (individual & corporate). They have, for too many years, been laying-off their major liabilities to insurance underwriters. – As this white-collar segment loses jobs and default on their insurance premium payments, more and more insurance companies will suffer a cash crunch.
When that happens, insurance claims that have usually been paid from current premiums collected, will have to be paid from reserves. Then, when the reserves are gone, it will be time to start dipping into assets … selling at pennies on the dollar in order to meet claims payments.
Of course, as the insurance companies fail, there will be more white-collar unemployed. That will only deepen the white-collar depression.
So … to survive and prosper during the next depression …
Start Thinking Blue Collar
Put aside some money in a savings account with a smaller, local area bank. – Stay away from regional or statewide banks. Preferable is a State chartered bank instead of a National bank and – if you can find one – a bank that is NOT F.D.I.C. insured. You won’t make a bundle in interest, but your savings will be safer.
Quit borrowing money, or buying on credit, except for major necessities. Even if the prime rates goes to 2%, stay away from unnecessary credit.
Invest in the stock market. – Buy stock in companies that produce goods or provide needed services. Put some money in a managed account or mutual fund and learn to trade stock profitably for your own portfolio.
Send your kids to Trade School instead of College. Let them learn welding instead of economics. They will have jobs when the economists are in the bread lines.
Those who produce more than they consume will survive and prosper.
Those who consume more than they produce will suffer the fate of the proverbial grasshopper … and … the hardest hit will be government employees at all levels – city, county, state and federal. – It couldn’t happen to a more deserving bunch of economic parasites.
The “economic parasites” to whom I refer are … holders of positions in redundant and outdated government agencies, bureaus, and commissions; some of which have survived since the early 1900s without any useful purpose today … redundant government employees; unnecessary people who are employed for the sole purpose of maintaining the use of budgeted funds (then can’t be fired without an act of God) … and those persons who perpetuate those unnecessary, outdated and redundant offices and jobs.
Your mission; Become more ATTRACTIVE, always! Raise your vibrations and learn to become more magnetic and remember....YOU MUST WATCH WHERE YOU HAVE YOUR ATTENTION, THAT IS WHAT IS ATTRACTING YOUR CIRCUMSTANCES....GOOD OR BAD!
Licensed to thrill,

Leo Stroobants
The Energy Evangelist

Thursday, February 5, 2009

If you're looking to learn how to become successful in business or how to be successful in life you've came to the right place. If you have already achieved some success in your life this article is going to teach you how to become even more successful.
The first thing you need to know about success is that it's an inside job. That's right success comes from within, learning how to be successful in life is no easy task but if you have the courage to look at yourself for who you really are, congratulate yourself because you are already half way there.
Know Thyself
If you really want to learn how to be successful in life you're going to have to face up to who you are today in order to become the person you want to be tomorrow. You must examine your thoughts, actions, beliefs, emotions, and who you surround yourself with. Take a look at your friends are they growing or dying?
Pay attention to what you're afraid of because fear is the ultimate destroyer of success and happiness. How do you talk to yourself? Are you constantly criticizing yourself or are you talking to yourself in a positive manner. After you deal with everything that's stopping you...
You Must Become Financially Free
Freedom is your driving force in life, it doesn't matter who you are or where you came from it is your freedom that you value most. Are you stuck in a job that you hate, trading your time for money making other people rich, and sacrificing your happiness for a paycheck?
Maybe you're even being paid extremely well but are you happy? If you want to learn how to be successful you must learn to work for yourself. Start your own home based business, heck there is so much money to be made on the internet if you haven't already started your own online home based business what's stopping you?
Surround Yourself With Winners
"You can either dine with the dogs or fly with the eagles"
If you really want to learn how to be successful in life, you must examine who you CHOOSE to surround yourself with and if they are not doing anything with their lives it's time to make some changes.
Find yourself a mentor who is already successful in life who is willing to help you become more successful you will subconsciously pick up their winning thoughts, beliefs, and attitude which will in turn help you become a more successful person.
These easy tips may sound to simple to be true. As always I am here just to REMIND you the things you probably already know, but do not master yet. Repetition is the mother of all skills. Act, act now! Don't delay!

Repeat these simple steps daily until, reach success!
Now go get them!
Leo Stroobants
The Energy Evangelist

Licensed to thrill!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Ten Steps To Wealth

Welcome to this simple, fun and easy exercise to improve your wealth consciousness, focus your mind and get behind yourself so that you can achieve wealth for real, and easily.
The following exercise is just one of 365 different daily “wealth gym” mini-workouts that you can do right there and then, in front of your computer, without even having to get up, and which doesn’t take any more than 60 seconds to complete, from our “60 Second Wealth Creator Series”.
This is a basic visualisation exercise which is very neat to do for real when you come down a flight of steps.
For now, imagine you’re standing at the top of a flight of steps and for each step, we’ll make a wealth affirmation.
10. I am ready for wealth!
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.
9. Wealth is my birthright.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.
8. I achieve wealth easily.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.
7. Wealth comes to me readily.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.
6. I invite wealth to come into all I do.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.
5. Wealth is my partner and my friend.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.
4. Wealth is joyous and delightful.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.
3. Wealth enters into all and every aspect of my life.
Take a deep breath and step down to the next step.
2. I am on my way to wealth …
Now take a deep breath and JUMP off the last step and onto the next level:
Clap your hands and give yourself a round of applause!

Leo Stroobants
The Energy Evangelist