Role models can be a powerful force for learning and realizing your potential. They’re not only important for your career, but for achieving fulfillment in everything you do. You ought to have role models in every stage and dynamic of your life. (Check out the 8 Dynamics of Life (r) -Leo Stroobants-)
Researchers have concluded that children who have good role models learn to be motivated self-learners. Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” By introducing children to role models for all aspects of their lives, you are nurturing their imagination.
“Role models are important throughout every stage of your life,” says Mick Quinn, former PM, IT developer, headhunter and most recently author of Power and Grace, the Wisdom of Awakening. “If you’re lucky, there are role models from infancy on.”
PART I; Arnold Swarzenegger
The Terminator Goal-Setting Strategy
Here's a man, a goliath of a man, who started life in some Austrian backwater and dreamed massive dreams. He was a million miles from the Hollywood he would one day claim as his own. But, as a mere 15 year old, he announced his dream and he went on to achieve it.
"I want to be the best built man in the world. Then I want to go to America and be in movies. I want
to be an actor."
to be an actor."
Click with your passion!
We are traveling back in time, to a sleepy Alpine village called Graz. Here Arnold Schwarzenegger sculpted his future as unerringly as he went about sculpting his body.
He's 15 years old and his soccer team are visiting a gym. Arnold looks around at the powerful muscular bodies of the men working out there and something clicks deep inside him. He suddenly realizes at a deep inner level that this is what he wants to do. He wants to feel strong and powerful like a mighty warrior or a fearsome beast. His mind lights up with a passion to do this.
Have you clicked with what you want to do and achieve?"I knew I was going to be a bodybuilder.
It wasn't simply that either. I would be the best bodybuilder in the world, the greatest,
the best-built man."
Dream BIG!
Is your dream big enough to excite you and stir you to action? Have you put your ego into it? Can you go a little wild and really stretch the bounds of what you think is possible for you? You have to think BIG, like Arnold, who literally "dreamed about being gigantic".
Soak up your subject!
Arnold began to work-out with unwavering determination and enthusiasm. He asked questions of the older bodybuilders in the gym. He subscribed to magazines. He found out more and more about bodybuilding and applied it to his training. He made rapid progress because he worked so hard.
Whatever your goal is, are you building up your knowledge base? Are you letting your obsession with it grow and grow so that you seek out and continuously find new references and knowledge that relate to and support the achievement of your goal? Are you giving it your all? When you focus on something and want it, your RAS (random activating system) in your mind becomes hyper sensitive to anything and everything that relates to your interest."I wanted more, I demanded
more of myself."
Find someone you can emulate!
Working out with weights is hard and sometimes relentless as you have to keep doing it day after day, week after week. You need inspiration to keep you going when it gets tough. Arnold had his methods.
"I kept my batteries charged with the adventure movies of Steve Reeves, Mark Forrest, Brad Harris, Gordon Mitchell and Reg Park."Seeing these heroic figures on the screen fueled his desire to be like them. He soon fixated on Reg Park, a massive man whose Herculean physique represented the ideal for Arnold. He had found a role model.
From that point on, his life was "utterly dominated by Reg Park. His image was my ideal. It was fixed indelibly in my mind."
Arnold found out everything he could about Reg Park, buying all the magazines that published Park's training programs. He learned what he ate, how he lived, and how he did his workouts. This obsession fueled his work-outs and he used his role model like a blueprint. If he did exactly what Reg Park did, he would get the same results.
"The more I focused in on this image and worked and grew, the more I saw it was real and possible for me to be like him."Who is your mentor or role model? Who has already achieved the goal that you have set yourself? Who can you imitate? Whose mime can you catch? Find someone in your field of interest who has been successful and that you greatly admire and want to emulate; study them; find out all you can about them: live them; breathe them. There are heroes is every field of human endeavor.
I had the pleasure of meeting him once and his impression and charisma never left me.
Whenever my workout routine is in a dip, I just watch Arnold in action and I got inspired again.
This is part one of this blog about this great role-model.
Keep reading, Part II will follow soon,...
To your success!
Leo Stroobants
The Energy Evangelist
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