Tuesday, December 8, 2009

10 Pointers to make more MONEY!

First of all, having the ability to make more money is far more important than having money. So, let's investigate how to increase your ability to make money.

Money on itself has no value. It is a note that represents a trading value.
Steve Pavlina ones described money as such; "The money you earn is society’s way of saying: “In exchange for your valued contribution, you are hereby granted the right to extract equivalent value from society at a time of your choosing.”

So we can conclude that the amount of money that you earn is proportional to the amount of value you are able to contribute to society!
How can you make more money than? By contributing more value to society!
So, is the one who determines the value of your contribution the society, and not you?
Let's listen to what Steve Pavlina says;
"Your income depends on the social value of your work, not the personal value. Personal value is whatever you say it is. Social value, however, is determined by social consensus."

That way the key principle becomes; To make more money, you need to contribute more social value!

Here are some pointers to increase your ability to make more money by contributing more social value;

1. Recognize your personal strenghts and values;
First of all, you should identify your personal values and strenghts. What are you naturally good at? Working on your strengths will give you much more in return than working on your weaknesses.
So it’s essential that you identify your strengths.

2. Do your deliberate practice
Improve your skills. You can do this by deliberate practice. Here is the best definition I could find;
Deliberate practice refers to a form of training that consists of focused, grueling, repetitive practice in which the subject continuously monitors his or her performance, and subsequently corrects, experiments, and reacts to immediate and constant feedback, with the aim of steady and consistent improvement.
It is generally accepted that this form of training calls for approximately 10,000 hours of concentrated effort if one is to achieve the optimum level of expertise.
Take at least 1 to 2 hours a day for your deliberate practice. It's like a basketball player that adds an hour a day to his normal routine in order to practice the most difficult shots. His goal is to reach a world class level. You can do the same!
Define your best skills and find your niche!

3. Fill up your toolbox
Aside from the skills you choose for your deliberate practice, you need to have other skills in your toolbox. These extra skills complement your main skills and help you provide something unique. You don’t have to be very good at them, but you should be good enough.
Write down a list of 4 to 5 extra skills, and invest some time to master them.

4. Find you unique value
Everyone of us is unique and we all have our own unique set of values. We place them in an order of importance and live by that hierarchy.What value can you contribute to the world that others can’t? Answering this question isn’t easy but it will help you differentiate yourself.
Your action signal than becomes; Take the time to find your unique values. (When was NOW a good time to start doing so?)

5. Become a Master Connector
Expand and work your network. It is not always important WHAT you know, but WHO you know! Your network is essential in your quest for riches.
First of all because it helps you find demand. It will help you connect with those people you need to fill your voids. Working on your network will eventually start offering more opportunities and it will help you find the supply that you were looking for! You will be able to find the right person (or persons) whose skills complement yours.
The best way to enlarge your network is to help them help you! Pay it forward and start helping the people in your network. Pretty soon they will do the same for you!
Get on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and get connected!

6. What is your personal brand?
After finding your unique value proposition, you need to get the message out to your target audience. If people don’t know you then they won’t come for you! For that reason, you need to build your personal brand. By building your personal brand, people know what they can expect from you so they will come to you when they need it.
Get your own website, start your own Blog, write down a one-liner about yourself and get started!

7. Set your radar on recognizing opportunities
Most of us run around blindfolded. Opportunities are not knocking on your door, they are literally tearing your door down! Become a "Lucky Luke" and start attracting those golden egg opportunities. Opportunities often come in unexpected ways. You need to open your eyes and see what is around you.
"Unlucky people miss chance opportunities because they’re too busy looking for something else. Lucky people see what is there rather than just what they’re looking for."

Lucky and rich people keeps their eyes and ears open for things that other people do not see.
Like my friend Moise keeps telling me; Watch the trends! On the other side you can observe how people do things and what kinds of particular problems they have. (Like everybody wants to get out this "crisis" and wants to make money?)
Be hungry for ideas and surround yourself with creativity!

8. Always keep one eye on the end consumer
You must become a customer-oriented solution provider! Always, always (did I already said always?) keep customer satisfaction in the back of your mind. For every need you can find a bunch of links towards all your skills, unique skills and extra skills who are inside your toolbox. Create solutions for those needs and...bingo!
Your solution should be customer-oriented and satisfy the customer. If the customer is satisfied, she may spread the word about you.

9. Don't start form scratch
One of the best ways to provide more value is by building on the value you already provide. This is a smarter approach than starting from scratch because you can already leverage what you have. Think in questions like; What extensions can I add, What extra services can I surplus, What untapped opportunities did I miss, What other clients can I reach for, What associations can I make, What alterations can I make, What can I add?
It might take some more time, but I definitely recognized that a step-by-step approach is must better than the fast-track methods.

10. Always keep your other one eye on your goal

Don't get side-tracked. Ones you determined what it is that you exactly want to create, what kind of business you want to endeavor and how much money you want to make, stick to it and go for it. Don't forget to write out all your emotional drives as to why you want to make all that money and make sure that your goals are worthwhile and fulfilling. And never forget to have fun during the entire process. Instead of trying to achieve your goals in order to have fun, try to happily achieve those goals!

Get geared up and get moving!
For more insights and usefull tips, stay connected!

Wishing you all the best of luck!
Leo Stroobants

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