Here we go with Part II of Arnold Scharzenegger;
Fine-tune your blueprint!
Attack your goal from every angle. The clearer you can visualize the goal in your mind, the quicker you will achieve it. See it as though it is already real. Imagine that you have achieved it. What would you see? What would you hear? How would you be feeling? Use all your senses to make it as real and as exciting as possible. If you don't feel deliriously happy contemplating this goal, then maybe you should ask yourself why you are doing it, really? Either find more compelling reasons why you want to do this, or change the goal.
"I had this fixed idea of growing a body like Reg Park's. The model was there in my mind; I only had to grow enough to fill it. My dreams went beyond a spectacular body. Once I had that, I knew what it would do for me. I'd get into the movies. I'd create an empire."Keep at your goal visualization. Play with it every day like a dog with a bone; keep chewing that sucker until you really get the taste of it. Keep sharpening the details, getting it into crystal focus. Adjust it until it sounds just right. Work it until it feels spot-on! The more real it seems inwardly, the more real it will become outwardly (unless, of course, you are freaking nuts!). Like a cartographer: you are making a map, the details have to be there. Like an architect designing a house, you need to put in everything required to build that dream home.
Stay positive!
Arnold discovered the power of the mind over the body. He noticed how emotional distractions and worry weakened him. Thinking about problems and worries during his training sessions robbed him of the strength he needed to workout.
He also knew what a detrimental affect others can have on your goals, often trying to squash them. Negative people often resist positive people, and they feel uncomfortable around them until either they pull the positive person down to their level or they catch the positivity and change themselves.
"I remember certain people trying to put negative thoughts into my mind, trying to persuade me to slow down. But I had found the thing to which I wanted to devote my total energies and there was no stopping me."Make sure you develop that kind of thick-skinned positivity! Family members can often be the greatest threat to our dreams. Without alienating them, you can be persistent in your purpose and goal. It is often advisable to keep goals secret, especially in the early stages. Get around those who can help you achieve your goal. Hang out with your mentors. Success breeds success.
Arnold has always known and understood that principle. He always worked with the best people he could find or contact, saying: "Positive thinking can be contagious. Being surrounded by winners helps you develop into a winner."
Challenge your limits
Usually you do about 3-5 sets of an exercise for a particular body part. However the body can become used to this routine and fail to grow as dramatically as you require. Arnold resorted to shock tactics to bomb his muscles and force them to grow.
Each week, he would choose an exercise, and focus an entire workout on that exercise alone. Instead of 5 sets, he might do 55 sets or just keep going until he couldn't do another thing. Frequently, he would train with a like-minded partner and have little competitions to motivate himself to do better. They would challenge each other to do more reps with heavier and heavier weights.
Apply this shock principle to your own goals. Let's say your goal is to become a public speaker on the seminar circuit. But you aren't very good at speaking. Maybe you have given 1 or 2 talks in the last few months.
If you want to get good at talking you are going to have to up the ante. Schedule a talk a day for a month, or three talks a day for a week. Grab your soapbox and go and stand in the city park if you have to. Get out there and talk! The harder it is and the more you do, the quicker you will become comfortable and an accomplished speaker.
Anthony Robbins did this when he started his speaking career; he would be giving talks in the morning to the Business Bureau, talk in the afternoon to the Womens' Circle and then be giving a talk in the evening elsewhere -- and he did that week after week, month after month. The end result being he is one of the most fluent, entertaining, informative and successful speakers in the world.
Keep track of this Blog, PartIII will reveil even more secrets about this fenomenal personality.
Always keep in mind that your life is heading in the direction that you are looking at.
What are you looking at today?
If you don't know, look around in your life today and see what it is that you attracted.
Beware what you are focusing on!
Enjoy your weekend!
Leo Stroobants
Wealth Acceleration Coach
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