$100.000/Year is no longer the benchmark!
14 years ago
Prosperity is not instant riches, but rather a progression toward gaining wealth.
"I was always honest about my weak points, this helped me grow. I think it's the key to success in everything: be honest; know where you are weak: admit it."In the pursuit of your goals, you must be prepared to make course adjustments. This requires honesty and the ability to see things as they are, not as you wish them to be. When you see something as it is, you are in a more powerful position to change it.
"When I see that I have certain backward attitudes, I reason them out and work to make my outlook more realistic."Being outwardly-focussed also enables you to be more aware of opportunity. Arnold is a legendary prankster, who is quick to take advantage of unwitting minds. He uses this "what's-really-going-on-radar" to psychologically outmanouvre his competitors, and ensure that he achieves his goal.
"Most of the people I observed couldn't make astonishing advances because they never had faith in themselves. They had a hazy picture of what they wanted to look like someday, but they doubted they could realize it. Ultimately they didn't put out the kind of effort I did because they didn't feel they had a chance to make it. And of course, starting with that premise, they didn't."The Template of Success!
"In two or three years, I had actually been able to change my body entirely. That told me something. If I had been able to change my body that much, I could also, through the same discipline and determination, change anything else I wanted. I could change my habits, my whole outlook on life."In learning about business, Arnold applied the bodybuilding-template to his studies. He was a millionaire long before he made his name in Hollywood. He applied the bodybuilding template to his acting career and gradually built up the size of the roles he was offered and the "clout" he wielded amongst the studios.
"I had this fixed idea of growing a body like Reg Park's. The model was there in my mind; I only had to grow enough to fill it. My dreams went beyond a spectacular body. Once I had that, I knew what it would do for me. I'd get into the movies. I'd create an empire."Keep at your goal visualization. Play with it every day like a dog with a bone; keep chewing that sucker until you really get the taste of it. Keep sharpening the details, getting it into crystal focus. Adjust it until it sounds just right. Work it until it feels spot-on! The more real it seems inwardly, the more real it will become outwardly (unless, of course, you are freaking nuts!). Like a cartographer: you are making a map, the details have to be there. Like an architect designing a house, you need to put in everything required to build that dream home.
"I remember certain people trying to put negative thoughts into my mind, trying to persuade me to slow down. But I had found the thing to which I wanted to devote my total energies and there was no stopping me."Make sure you develop that kind of thick-skinned positivity! Family members can often be the greatest threat to our dreams. Without alienating them, you can be persistent in your purpose and goal. It is often advisable to keep goals secret, especially in the early stages. Get around those who can help you achieve your goal. Hang out with your mentors. Success breeds success.
Have you clicked with what you want to do and achieve?"I knew I was going to be a bodybuilder.
It wasn't simply that either. I would be the best bodybuilder in the world, the greatest,
the best-built man."
Whatever your goal is, are you building up your knowledge base? Are you letting your obsession with it grow and grow so that you seek out and continuously find new references and knowledge that relate to and support the achievement of your goal? Are you giving it your all? When you focus on something and want it, your RAS (random activating system) in your mind becomes hyper sensitive to anything and everything that relates to your interest."I wanted more, I demanded
more of myself."
"I kept my batteries charged with the adventure movies of Steve Reeves, Mark Forrest, Brad Harris, Gordon Mitchell and Reg Park."Seeing these heroic figures on the screen fueled his desire to be like them. He soon fixated on Reg Park, a massive man whose Herculean physique represented the ideal for Arnold. He had found a role model.
"The more I focused in on this image and worked and grew, the more I saw it was real and possible for me to be like him."Who is your mentor or role model? Who has already achieved the goal that you have set yourself? Who can you imitate? Whose mime can you catch? Find someone in your field of interest who has been successful and that you greatly admire and want to emulate; study them; find out all you can about them: live them; breathe them. There are heroes is every field of human endeavor.